Thursday, July 21, 2011


This  happy part Pitbull/Boxer is our latest member of Kerry's family.  He was rescued from an animal shelter.  Her daughter "Shayne Katherine" took this picture and I used it to do this colored pencil painting. 
It was done on 6 x 8 UArt 500 grit paper, using Prismacolor, Polychromos and Lyra Polycolor pencils.  For the high light in his eyes I used a pin drop of white acylic paint.
I get alot of pleasure doing paintings of dogs.  So keep checking and comments are always welcome!


  1. Love the expression on this guy =) Beautiful colors and texture!

  2. this guy looks very huggable. Nice detail

  3. I love dogs, and this one looks so sweet! Very nicely done! nancy

  4. Wow! you really do large pieces. Nice work.
    Welcome to EDM.
